
Following are most common wards/rooms for indoor patients. Different patients are shifted to different wards according to their disease status:

Jilani Block (Cardiology Ward)

It is a 46 bedded ward next to Emergency Ward and serves as step down unit from emergency. lt has a high turn over of patients from Emergency and around the hospital. Emergency procedures like thrombolysis, Temporary Pacemaker (TPM) lnseition, Pleuro and Pericardiocentesis and DC Cardioversion are also done in Jilani Block.  

Cardiology Ward (3rd Floor)

Thirty bedded Cardiology Ward at 3rd floor for indoor patients is fully equipped with all facilities. It has CCU of 8 beds equipped with monitors, defibrillators and TPM implantation facility. Cardiac patients are shifted to Cardiology Ward from Emergency, Out Patient Department and after Cardiac Catheterization.  

Irfan Block (Cardiology Ward)

Fifty seven bedded Irfan Block was established for the treatment of poor patients. lt was constructed and commissioned with donations. The recurring maintenance expenses are also met out of donations. lt comprises CCU, male ward, female ward, paediatric ward. All necessary equipment like monitors, Defibrillators and TPM are available here. Children with congenital heart disease and all other pediatric cardiac patients are admitted here.  

Private Cardiology Ward

Five executive rooms and I3 private rooms are available on the cardiology floor. These rooms are fully equipped with all modern facilities expected by the patients, exclusive environment and prompt treatment is provided to the patients, Their diagnostic tests, procedures and surgeries (if required) are done on priority. The revenue earned from private patients is spent on the treatment of poor patients.  

Coronary Care Unit (CCU) I & II

CCU is the prime care unit of Cardiology Department. The unit is adjacent to Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories. The unit has 20 beds which are placed in two sub units CCU-I and CCU-ll, each has I0 beds. Each bed has central oxygen and air supply with alarm system. The patients shifted from catheterization Laboratory after all types of Interventional procedure like Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI), Permanent Pacemaker (PPM) implantation, Primary PTCA, PTMC and PCI with lntra Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP) are kept in these units. The staff nurses are well trained for CDU as well.  

Coronary Care Unit (CCU) III

CCU-Ill is established to provide state of the art indoor intensive care facilities to affording cardiac patients, All emergency diagnostic facilities are provided in CCU-Ill under one roof. This unit is equipped with Defibrillators, Temporary Internal Pacing capability, 3-channel ECG machines, Arterial and Pulmonary Pressure monitoring and Echocardiography machine.  

Coronary Care Unit (CCU) IV

A new CCU-IV has been constructed out of donation for the treatment of affording patients in order to generate hospital revenue for the treatment of poor patients. Its civil work is near completion. It shall be equipped with all essential facilities.  

Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

There are 2 old and 4 new Intensive Care Units with a total of 60 beds to look after post operative patients. Patients from the theater are shifted to ICU which is fully equipped with all facilities including Invasive Monitoring, Central Oxygen Supply, Ventilatory Support and one staff nurse per patient.
Staff nurses working in ICU are specially trained for intensive care and have experience of 5-10 years. There is a team of doctors including two cardiac surgery residents and one anesthetist

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

Pediatric ICU was started due to increased number of pediatric patients referred to Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Initially these cases were accommodated in adult ICU, but now a separate pediatric intensive care unit has been established in cardiac surgery department with specialized facilities.  

Private Cardiad Surgery Ward

The Private Cardiac Surgery Ward comprises of 18 rooms which are fully equipped with all necessary equipment, modern beds and utilities like TV, Refrigerators etc. Exclusive environment with specialized treatment is provided in Private Cardiac Surgery.  

General Cardiac Surgery Ward

There are 8 wards in this unit with a total capacity of 28 beds. Patients are admitted in this ward before and after their operation and all taken care of till their discharge from the hospital. These wards are also equipped with necessary equipment and utilities.  

Irfan Block (Pre Operative Ward)

It is 12 bedded unit for the poor patients for their indoor admission pre operatively. Patients from this ward are sent to pre operative ICU before their surgery.